Sunday, September 24, 2006

Ramadan Mubarak

Ramadan Mubarak to you all. I hope you're all making the most of it by engaging and increasing in reciting of the Qur'an, performing Salah, Dhikr etc and not merely going round congratulating everyone about the arrival of Ramadan. I won't be posting on the subject of Ramadan on this blog for 2 particular reasons:
  1. lack of time, I want to make best of use of these blessed days and I also have other time consuming commitments
  2. there is already a wealth of information on Ramadan available (listed below are some of them and see the links in my sidebar for more)

Inshallah you will ALL be remembered in my duas during this month and I request for the same also please. May Almighty Allah accept all our good deeds in this month and give us the ability to turn away from sins from now onwards, Ameen.

Ramadan reads:
Ramadan articles by Haq Islam

by Mujahidah an Nafs:
Virtues of Ramadhan
Making the best in Ramadhan
A month of Mercy

by Simply Islam
Merits of Ramadhan
Purpose of Ramadhan
Preparation for Ramadhan
Levels of Worship in Ramadhan
Acts of Worship in Ramadhan

by Umm Zahra
Ramadhan in my own words
Ramadhan Audio
Sunnah of Fasting
Fasting-A Muslim pharmacists view

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