Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Are we prepared?

I woke up this morning to see the sun was beaming in through my window. Seeing as it is also a really relaxing and refreshing walk through the park as part of my journey to work, I decided to walk it there today. A huge plus point is that I also get to have more time in the company of Shaykh Juhani’s Qur’an tilawat.

At work, about mid way through the morning the thunderstorms started. Ooops, I think to myself, ‘I don’t have my jacket, but at least I have my portable umbrella.’ I recall how only the day before I had checked the weather forecast online which predicted rain storms for the whole of the following day and beyond. I feel a little silly now that I didn’t remember this and at least bring my jacket, if not the big umbrella.

By now you’re probably thinking what a daft so and so Ahmed is, and quite rightly so as well. Put yourselves in my shoes for a minute though; see how bad it feels you came unprepared? Even though, the weather is only predicted one way or another, you still feel foolish.

Despite the Quran and ahadith reminding us of what we will all certainly have to face we do so little to get ready for it. What then to say of how we will feel on the day of judgement when we will be held to account?

We also know that ‘Every soul shall taste death’ yet we still roam the earth living in blissful ignorance of the fact that death can come to us at any moment. Instead we prepare ourselves arduously to live a dream life and one of luxury in this temporary abode of ours.

May Almighty Allah give me and you the ability to utilise our allocated time on earth for accumulating good deeds and to prepare for the hereafter before death comes to us, Ameen.
Source: Breathe Islam

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